FluidIX Lub-6

Inline-capable oil condition sensor based on a multi-channel infrared measuring cell for permanent monitoring of the oil condition and prevention of machine damage



product family

process analytics

product class

Oil Condition

suitable for


measurement principle


Special characteristics

  • Sensor for online monitoring of the oil condition

  • Convenient configuration and diagnosis via graphical user interface

  • Direct connection to control via ModBus TCP/IP; GSM module and MQTT in preparation


Based on non-dispersive infrared technology (NDIR), ZILA GmbH has developed an inline-capable measuring system that permanently monitors the oil condition directly in the system. The optical measuring system consists of a multi-channel infrared measuring cell with associated electronics and peripherals.

Technical Data

General information
Robustes Aluminiumgehäuse
Operating voltage
18...36V DC (max. 400 mA @18V)
150 x 119 x 82 mm (L x B x H)
Operating conditions
Operating temperature:
0...+70 °C (optional 0...+90 °C)
Maximum operating pressure:
10 bar (optional 30 bar)
Storage temperature:
-40...+90 °C
Ethernet-Port für Kommunikation über herstellerunabhängiges Busprotokoll
Digital I/O ports
1x Digital In 18...36V (10 mA max.), 4x Digital Out 18...36V (5 mA max.)
User Interface
grafisch über Weboberfläche im eingebundenen Netzwerk

Further product information

When measuring with NDIR technology, the molecules present in the oil absorb the infrared light to different degrees at certain wavenumbers due to their typical bonding forms. In the course of the operating time, these molecular properties change, whereby a signal change can be detected in certain areas of the infrared spectrum. The system thus continuously provides real-time information about the oil condition, which should be comparable to laboratory measurements. The electronics are controlled and configured via a user-friendly graphical user interface. Digital outputs and a ModBusTCP/IP interface allow easy integration into the system control.

Convenient commissioning and operation through graphical user interface

The sensor can be conveniently integrated into existing and new systems. Digital signals and ModBusTCP/IP allow the sensor to be connected directly and easily to a control system. A user-friendly interface helps to quickly configure the sensor settings. Measuring intervals can be defined and various limit values can be set according to the oil parameters. Another option allows the recorded measurement results to be displayed graphically. The trend shown in this way already provides information about the current status of the oil condition and can be used for early detection. All changes are logged.

Measurement parameters

Depending on the detector configuration, up to 6 quantities can be determined simultaneously:

  • Water content
  • Oxidation
  • Reciprocal oxidation
  • Nitration
  • Sulphation
  • Carbon black content
  • Anti-wear additive
  • ZDDP anti-wear additive
  • EP/AW additive
  • Aminic antioxidant additive

Documents and Downloads

Video of the product

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