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XR Relais

Electrode relay with ATEX



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Clase de producto


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Principio de medición

Características importantes

  • Adjustable sensitivity ranges

  • Various supply voltages

  • 19" card version

Descripción del producto

The electrode relays are used for conductive level detection. levels. The possible applications extend areas where conductive, liquid media are to be detected, controlled to be detected, controlled or regulated. Hereby level detection (overflow / dry run) as well as minimum / maximum as well as minimum / maximum controls can be realised.

Datos técnicos

Clase de protección EN60529
Datos técnicos
Temperatura de funcionamiento
-20...+60 °C
Temperatura de almacenamiento
-30...+80 °C
Contactos de salida
Voltaje de conmutación
min. 5 V | max. 250 V AC / 150 V DC
Corriente de conmutación
min. 5 mA | max. 5 A AC / 5 A DC
Capacidad de conmutación
min. 300 mW | max. 100 VA / 50 W
Corriente de reposo
ca. 250 g
Marcado CE
siehe Konformitätserklärung
Protección Ex/IECEx
siehe Prüfbescheinigung

XR Relais Configurar

XR-4 - [ 1 ] - [ 2 ] - [ 3 ] - [ 4 ] - [ 5 ] - [ 6 ] - [ 7 ] - [ 8 ] - [ 9 ] - [ 10 ]

1 Kanalanzahl

  • 1 : 1 Kanal
  • 2 : 2 Kanal

2 Option

  • 0 : ohne Quittiertaster (Standard)
  • 1 : mit Quittiertaster

3 Gehäuse

  • B : Steckklemme (verschraubbar)
  • C : Steckklemme (Federkraft)
  • K : 19" Kartenausführung

4 Ausgang

  • 1 : 1 Wechsler (2 Kanalausführung) mit SIL2-Option =1Schließer
  • 2 : 2 Wechsler (1 Kanalausführung) mit SIL2-Option =2 Schließer

5 Schaltverzögerung

  • 0 : 0,2 - 2 - 4 - 10 Sekunden einstellbar

6 Empfindlichkeitsbereich

  • 1 : 2...300 kOhm
  • 2 : 8...800 kOhm
  • 3 : 0,2...3 kOhm

7 Versorgungsspannung

  • 0 : 24 V DC
  • 6 : 230 V AC
  • 9 : 20...230 V AC/DC Weitbereichsnetzteil

8 Busanschluss

  • X : kein Busanschuss
  • B : Busanschluss (Nur bei 24 V DC)


  • 1 : SIL1
  • 2 : SIL2

10 Ex

  • X : kein IECEx
  • I : IECEx

Más información del producto

Electrode relay 

The electrode relay supplies a measuring voltage which is applied to the earth electrode and the other electrodes. When the earth electrode and another liquid are immersed, a low AC measuring current flows, which signals "medium present / not present"
This alternating current is detected and evaluated by the electrode relay. The response sensitivity of the electrode relays can be optimally adjusted for different media. Even boundary layer detection between media of different conductivities is possible. Electrolytic decomposition of the medium and dangerous contact voltages are reliably avoided.

In hazardous areas, the electrode relays serve as an interface (galvanic isolation) between the Ex and non-Ex areas. The intrinsically safe circuit is safely galvanically isolated from the non-intrinsically safe circuit up to a peak voltage value of 375 V. The electrode relays themselves (without additional protective measures) must not be operated in Ex areas. When installed in an Ex-approved enclosure, operation in the Ex-area is possible. The safe isolation has been tested and certified by TÜV.

Electrode relays can also be used as contact protection relays in applications where signal transmitters with a low permissible contact load (e.g. < 10 mA) are to switch larger loads.

  • Working quiescent current switchable
  • Safe galvanic isolation between input, mains and contacts
  • Adjustable sensitivity ranges
  • Various supply voltages
  • Various switching delays (also adjustable)
  • Acknowledgement button optional
  • 1- and 2-channel relay, 2-channel relay detects 2 limit values or 2 MinMax or 1 MinMax and 1 limit value
  • 19" card version
  • TÜV ATEX approved (ER-142... and ER-143...)
  • ER-214 is based on microprocessor technology
System structure

The conductive level detection consists of
rod, suspended or adjustable electrodes and the electrode relays.

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Sensor + Control
GmbH & Co. KG

An der Hartbrücke 6
64625 Bensheim
Tel.: +49-6251-8462-0
E-Mail: info@fluidio.de