
Mercury-free float switches with Ex approval



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Dispositivos de nivel de llenado

Clase de producto

Supervisión del nivel límite

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Principio de medición


Características importantes

  • Ex approval for Ex zone 0 (cat. 1) according to ATEX

  • Mercury-free

  • Available with weights

Descripción del producto

These float switches have a mercury-free switching system consisting of a microswitch and a ball which actuates this switch.

Datos técnicos

Datos técnicos
Clase de protección EN60529
IP 68
Material del flotador
TPK (PVC Basis), PVC Basis verstärkt, Polyurethan, Silikon, Teflon, Ethylen-Acrylat-Kautschuk
Sección del conductor
3x 0,75 mm², Polyurethan 3x 0,5 mm²
Temperatura de funcionamiento TPK(V)
AEM Kabel max.+ 60 °C
Temperatura de funcionamiento del cable PUR
max.+ 70 °C
Temperatura de funcionamiento SIL, cable FEP
max.+ 85 °C
Presión de funcionamiento
max. 1 bar Zylinder| max. 2 bar Kugel
Sistema de conmutación
Tipo de contacto
Wechsler, NO, NC
Datos de conexión eléctrica, protección Ex
siehe EG-Prüfbescheinigung TüV 09 ATEX 555342
Cargas inductivas / capacitivas
Unbedingt Kontaktschutz vorsehen
Marcado CE
siehe Konformitätserklärung
ca. 200 g
Densidad del medio Ex-QFS-30
Cable TPK(V)
ρρ 0,85 g/cm³
Cable PUR
ρρ 0,95 g/cm³
Cable SIL
ρρ 0,90 g/cm³
Cable FEP
ρρ 0,95 g/cm³
Cable AEM
ρρ 0,90 g/cm³
Densidad del medio Ex-QFS-31
ρρ 0,60 g/cm
Posición de montaje
waagerecht mit G1” Verschraubung, senkrecht mit Beschwerungsgewicht (Ex)
waagerecht mit Flansch ab DN 100 (PP)

Ex-QFS-3x Configurar

Su configuración

Designación básica

Más información del producto

Float switches are used for simple limit value acquisition. The float floats on the liquid surface through the higher density of the liquid, and acutates a switching operation when the float deviates from the horizontal position.

In the mercury-free float switches of the QFS… series microswitches are used which are operated by a weight or with a ball, or reed contacts operated by a magnet. Mercury switches can be replaced by the appropriate Design  problem-free. Also switching hysteresis are possible.

The main field of application is for the acquisition of limit levels (overflow and dry-running protection). For min-max control of pumps float switch combinations with several float switches are suitable.

The float switches are fixed on a tube or with loading weights.Our float switches can be used both in water and in aggressive media. For this a suitable cable material has to be selected:

  • Thermoplastic rubber cable (TPK) is useable for water,  waste water and oily liquids, as well as slightly aggressive liquids.
  • For oil-containing media a PTFE nozzle should be provided.
  • Silicone (SIL) for washing liquor at high temperatures
  • Teflon (FEP) for aggressive liquids (acids/alkalies)
  • TPK cable with an ethylene-copolymer coating (AEM) for dilute acids and alkalies.

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