
Overfuelling indicator


Familia de productos

Dispositivos de nivel de llenado

Clase de producto

Indicadores mecánicos

Adecuado para


Principio de medición

Características importantes

  • Direct indication of the liquid level

  • used for level measurement in open and closed tanks

  • Level control is steplessly adjustable

Descripción del producto

The top-mounted tank indicator is a mechanically operated, on-the-spot indicator. The liquid level in the tank located below the indicator is determined proportionately to the filling level and is indicated. Control of the level is easily achieved through the installation of switching contacts. The switching points for level control can be steplessly adjusted, on-the-spot and at any time.

Datos técnicos

G 1” (andere Gewinde auf Anfrage)
Máx. Longitud del tubo guía
siehe Diagramm
Temperatura de funcionamiento
atmosphär. Bedingungen
Presión de funcionamiento
atmosphär. Bedingungen
Densidad del medio
siehe Eintauchtiefe
Número de contactos
Carga del contacto
max. 10 VA, max. 230 V AC
max. 1750 mm
Tubo óptico
PVC transparent
PVC-Verschraubung mit PTFE-Stangenführung
Varilla guía
Edelstahl, Titan, Hastelloy B, Hastelloy C oder PVCRohr

ÜTA-32 Configurar

Su configuración

Designación básica
ÜTA 32

Más información del producto

The top-mounted tank indicator is convincing through its simple principle, requiring no power supply and guaranteeing high operating reliability. Sufficient space must be available above the tank. Aggressive, highly viscous and polluted media can be monitored with the topmounted indicator.

The top-mounted indicator is fixed to the tank with a G 1”-PVC screw connection (other threads on request). Changes in the filling level are picked up by a float and indicated via a guide rod (stainles steel, 1.4571, plastic, titanium, Hastelloy B or Hastelloy C) on the viewing tube. The viewing tube is made of transparent PVC. The actuating element consists of red PVC, in which a permanent magnet is inserted. This serves as an optical indicator and at the same time the magnet operates the exterior switching contacts (monostable or bistable) which are steplessly adjustable. The selected number of switching contacts on the top-mounted indicator is optional.

Indication can also be achieved with magnetic flaps. The permanent magnet rotates small aluminum wafers with inserted bar magnets. When the level rises these are turned from white to red, and when the level drops from red to white.

Documentos y descargas

Vídeo sobre el producto


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Logo of Fluid.iO Sensor + Control

Sensor + Control
GmbH & Co. KG

An der Hartbrücke 6
64625 Bensheim
Tel.: +49-6251-8462-0
E-Mail: info@fluidio.de